
epidemic rot Learn more about epidemic rot

  • Safety management of leek in greenhouse and prevention of epidemic disease

    Safety management of leek in greenhouse and prevention of epidemic disease

    Harmful symptoms: mainly damage pseudostems and bulbs, leaves, roots, bolts can also be damaged. Most of the injured leaf disease spots began to occur from the lower part, and initially produced dark green watery spots, and then extended to about 1 / 2 of the leaf, the whole leaf turned yellow, sagging and soft rot. When damp, the disease part produces gray-white mildew. The false stem is damaged.

  • Epidemic disease and its control

    Epidemic disease and its control

    Epidemic disease and its control

  • Key points of perennial epidemic prevention in rabbit farm

    Key points of perennial epidemic prevention in rabbit farm

    Rabbits have the characteristics of low investment and quick results, so they are very suitable for promotion among the majority of farmers, but how to do a good job in epidemic prevention is the key to the success of raising rabbits. Here are 15 key points of perennial epidemic prevention summarized in our practical work. 1. The newly introduced rabbits were reared in isolation and observed for 40 days and regrouped without disease. 2. Set up a disinfection pool at the door of the rabbit house, which contains sawdust wetted by 2%naoh, covered with brown flakes or old sacks, and disinfected in and out. 3. Change shoes and wear overalls when entering the rabbit house; seasoning,

  • The epidemic disease of national orchid and its control

    The epidemic disease of national orchid and its control

    The epidemic disease of national orchid and its control

  • How to prevent and cure the epidemic disease by planting beans?

    How to prevent and cure the epidemic disease by planting beans?

    How to prevent and cure the epidemic disease by planting beans? Please introduce the methods of prevention and control of bean blight with reference to the following methods: 1. The symptoms are mainly harmful to stems, leaves and pods, mostly in or near stem nodes, especially near the ground. The disease part was water-stained at the beginning, then the wet rot constricted around the stem, and the leaf vines above the disease part withered and died. ...

  • What are the common animal diseases of type I, II and III, respectively?

    What are the common animal diseases of type I, II and III, respectively?

    Animal diseases refer to animal infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. According to the degree of harm of animal diseases to aquaculture production and human health, the animal diseases managed by the Law of the people's Republic of China on Animal epidemic Prevention are divided into the following three categories: class I diseases, which refer to human beings.

    2020-11-11 Common one two three types animals epidemic diseases respectively including
  • Occurrence and control of soybean blight

    Occurrence and control of soybean blight

    Since July 2005, soybean blight spread to our state with the transportation of soybean seeds, our station immediately set up a soybean blight monitoring leading group, sending professional and technical personnel to carry out field monitoring work in Gongliu County. 1. The area of the disease survey was 2239 hectares in 2005 and 2858 hectares in 2006. 1. The planting area of soybean in Xinyuan County is 6700 hectares, the investigated area is 3000 hectares, the occurrence area is 2300 hectares, of which the sporadic occurrence area is 0.2 hectares.

  • The prevention and control technology of apple rot is explained in detail!

    The prevention and control technology of apple rot is explained in detail!

    Apple tree rot is one of the most serious diseases in apple producing areas in China. in northern China, the incidence of apple rot is very serious, with numerous scars and incomplete branches, often causing dead trees and destroying gardens.

    2020-11-09 Apple rotten diseased control technology detailed explanation apple tree rot
  • Prevention and control of diseases of farmed eel

    Prevention and control of diseases of farmed eel

    Eel nematode disease [pathogen] is eel nematode. There are three species of eel nematodes parasitic in the swim bladder of eel: spherical eel nematode, thick eel nematode and Australian eel nematode. The eel nematode is oviparous, the newly produced larvae are only 0.2 mm-0.35 mm and are covered with a layer.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture eel disease control eel house nematode pathogen
  • Control techniques of apple tree rot

    Control techniques of apple tree rot

    Control techniques of apple tree rot

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish in spring, such as Gill rot disease and vertical scale disease.

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish in spring, such as Gill rot disease and vertical scale disease.

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish in spring, such as Gill rot disease and vertical scale disease.

  • Oranges from growers in some areas affected by the epidemic are unsalable.

    Oranges from growers in some areas affected by the epidemic are unsalable.

    The harvest season for oranges in the south is from October to December every year. Due to the impact of the epidemic in the first half of the year, oranges in some areas are seriously unsalable, and they are worried that the epidemic will break out again in winter, and growers have to endure the pain to sell, resulting in heavy losses. Reporter from Jiangxia District to Wealth Village Yangmei (pseudonym)

    2020-11-28 Affected by epidemic situation affected part producing area grower orange unsalable
  • Pepper disease and pest control

    Pepper disease and pest control

    Pepper disease and pest control

  • Common Diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium and their Control

    Common Diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium and their Control

    Common Diseases and insect pests of Cymbidium and their Control

  • The latest course on Prevention and Control of Apple Tree Rot

    The latest course on Prevention and Control of Apple Tree Rot

    Apple tree rot is one of the most serious diseases in apple producing areas in China, commonly known as smelly skin disease, skin rot disease, skin rotting disease and so on. Apple tree rot is very serious in northern China, with numerous scars and incomplete branches, often causing dead trees and destroying gardens.

    2020-11-10 The latest apple trees rot disease prevention technology methods tutorials
  • Botrytis cinerea of Phalaenopsis and its control measures

    Botrytis cinerea of Phalaenopsis and its control measures

    Orchid gray mold, also known as orchid rot. Flower beds occur from time to time in the south and north of China, which endanger not only the orchids of Orchidaceae, but also Phalaenopsis, Cartland, Dendrobium, Magnolia, Crane and other flower plants. Among them, horticultural treasures such as Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium and Cymbidium suffer more seriously. Symptom

  • General knowledge of animal epidemic prevention after flood disaster

    General knowledge of animal epidemic prevention after flood disaster

    General knowledge of animal epidemic prevention after flood disaster

  • Why can't the "blight" of sharp pepper be cured?

    Why can't the

    In Dongyi Village, Daotian Town, Shouguang City, there are more varieties, with tomatoes, sharp peppers, and cucumbers showing their respective abilities. Wang old man in the village tasted sweetness because he planted sharp peppers last year, but this year he planted sharp peppers again. But recently, old man Wang is not "sweet". Why? The sharp pepper planted showed symptoms of wilting, which frightened him. "this sharp pepper is most afraid of epidemic disease, or this shed can lose most of the plants," says Wang. What puzzles the old man most is that he has done a lot of disease prevention work in the early stage. Selective resistance

  • A course on the latest techniques and methods of Maize Pest Control

    A course on the latest techniques and methods of Maize Pest Control

    Corn is often harmed by all kinds of diseases and insects in the process of production, and its yield is seriously reduced. For example, in the epidemic years of leaf spot, the yield can be reduced by 1530% due to the disease and more than 50% in seriously diseased fields. The harm of corn borer usually reduces corn production by about 10%, and by about 30% in serious years.

    2020-11-10 The latest corn diseases and insect pests control techniques methods tutorials
  • Disease control of barracuda

    Disease control of barracuda

    Barracuda belongs to Mugilidae, similar in external morphology to mullet, but with underdeveloped fat eyelids. It lives in coastal areas and estuaries, and can also live in fresh water. It is a eurythermal and euryhaline fish. In its natural state, it scrapes diatoms and putrefied organic matter, and also eats benthos. Artificial compound bait can be used in pond culture. There is a saying of "south mullet and north shuttle" among the cultivated varieties. Barracuda culture is dominant in Jiangsu and northern areas. In recent years, the trend of breeding barracuda in freshwater ponds in coastal areas has developed rapidly.
